Welcome to Daisy's Flowers. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Few gifts have the power to stir the heart like roses. Choose beautiful rose bouquets complete with 3 roses or as many as 3 dozen roses! Our professional florists will take special care of your order as they guarantee the effect you desire will be stunning.

Ravishing Roses
Dazzling Daisies

Pink Roses
A soft, blushing bouquet of a dozen pink roses in a fine Waterford(r) vase.
Long-Stem Red Roses
Beautiful and elegant! No other flower carries quite the same message as long-stem red roses. Let that special someone know just how special she is!
White Roses
Yellow Roses
Create Your Own Bouquet!
How many roses should you send? With our "Create Your Own Bouquet," you decide! You can choose the number of roses and the color, and we'll do the rest!

Call us for special arrangements
Copyright 2004, Daisy's Flowers