
Custom Packing Slip

ShopSite V12 gives merchants/designers the ability to fully customize the packing slip viewable in the back office of ShopSite by the merchant. You can copy, create or upload your custom packing slip template by going to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Advanced, and using the "Order Templates" section.

The packing slip template is comprised of 4 DEFINEs. The first is [-- DEFINE OM_SHIPPACK_VIEW --], which is what is displayed when you go to the "Orders" screen in the back office of ShopSite, then click on "View Packing Slip." The second DEFINE is [-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_PRODUCT --] which lets you control what the products that were ordered loop like. These products will be looped in the first define and displayed on your "View Packing Slip" screen. The third DEFINE is [-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_COUPON --], which controls the look of coupons that are part of an order. Coupons are displayed in a loop similar to the product display loop. The fourth DEFINE section is the [-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_MERCHANT_PRODUCT --], which is what a product, and the product notes will look like IF you are using merchants notes on a per product basis.

All four sections are listed below, with their suggested tags within each section.

[-- DEFINE OM_SHIPPACK_VIEW --] - DEFINE for how the complete packing slip looks
[-- OM_SHIPPACK_HEADER --] - displays anything in the packing slip header field under Orders > Configure
[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] - displays the order number and order barcode if enabled. If you do not want to display the order barcode but the barcode is enabled, you can use the parameter NoBarCode
[-- ORDER.Date --] - date of the order, based on the server time
[-- ORDER.Instructions --] - customer instructions to the merchant (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- ORDER.Comments --] - customer comments to the merchant (IF/END_IF tag available
[-- ORDER.CustomFields --] - custom text entry fields (IF/END_IF tag available
[-- ORDER.Name --] - customer billing name
[-- ORDER.ShipName --] - customer ship to name
[-- ORDER.Company --] - customer billing company name
[-- ORDER.ShipCompany --] - customer ship to company name
[-- ORDER.Address --] [-- Order.Address1 --] - customer billing address fields 1 and 2
[-- ORDER.ShipAddress --] [-- Order.ShipAddress1 --] - customer ship to address fields 1 and 2
[-- ORDER.City --], [-- Order.State --] [-- Order.Zip --] - customer billing city, state, and ZIP/postal code
[-- ORDER.ShipCity --], [-- Order.ShipState --] [-- Order.ShipZip --] - customer ship to city, state, and ZIP/postal code
[-- ORDER.Country --] - customer billing country
[-- ORDER.ShipCountry --] - customer ship to country
[-- ORDER.Email --] - customer billing email address
[-- ORDER.Phone --] - customer billing phone number
[-- ORDER.ShipPhone --] - customer ship to phone number
[-- ORDER.TransID --] - order transaction ID
[-- ORDER.VatID --] - customer VAT ID (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- ORDER.OrderMessages --] - order messages
[-- ORDER.OrderSource --] - order source/referral (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- ORDER.DobaOrderInfo --] - DOBA order information
[-- ORDER.PaymentTypeName --] - order payment method
[-- ORDER.PaymentInfo --] - order payment information
[-- OM_Shipping_method --] - order shipping method
[-- OM_Total_Weight --] - order total weight (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- LOOP ORDER_PRODUCT --][-- Order_Product --][-- END_LOOP ORDER_PRODUCT --] - loop tags to display list of products ordered
[-- LOOP ORDER_COUPON --][-- Order_Coupon --][-- END_LOOP ORDER_COUPON --] - loop tags to display list of coupons used in the order
[-- OM_ORDER_TOTALS --] - table of order totals such as subtotal, tax total and shipping total
[-- LOOP ORDER_MERCHANT_PRODUCT --][-- Order_MERCHANT_Product --][-- END_LOOP ORDER_MERCHANT_PRODUCT --] - loop to display any products with special merchant specified shipping instructions


[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_PRODUCT --] - DEFINE for how products in the product loop appear
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Quantity--] - quantity of a product ordered
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.OrderImage --] - image for product ordered
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Name--] - name of product ordered
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Price--] - price of product ordered (price for 1)
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Options --] - ordering options for product ordered (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.FreeformOptions --] - customer text entry field input for product ordered (IF/END_IF tag available)
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.SKU--] - SKU of product ordered
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.TotalWeight--] - total weight of product ordered
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.SubTotal--] - total price of product ordered


[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_COUPON --] - DEFINE for how coupons in the coupon loop appear
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Name--] - name of coupon used in order
[-- ORDER_PRODUCT.Price--] - discount amount of coupon used in order


[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_MERCHANT_PRODUCT --] - DEFINE for how products with merchant instructions appear in "Warehouse" section
This section uses all product tags in the DEFINE OM_ORDER_PRODUCT section, as well as:
[-- PRODUCT.MerchantInstructions --] - merchant specified per-product instructions


Optional Toggles
[-- IF OM_SHOW_CustomCheckoutFields --] - optional toggle to display custom text entry fields
[-- IF ORDER.ShipAddressUsed --] - optional shipping address toggle
[-- IF OM_SHOW_Pay --] - optional toggle to show payment information
[-- IF OM_SHOW_Shipping_Method --] - optional toggle to display the shipping method
[-- IF OM_SHOW_Total_Weight --] - optional toggle to display the total shipping weight for the order
[-- IF OM_SHOW_Product_Image --] - optional toggle to display product image
[-- IF OM_SHOW_Product_Weight --] - optional toggle to display product weight
[-- IF MERCHANT_FIELD_SHIPPACK --] - optional toggle to display the merchant product shipping instructions

Store Text Fields
[-- STORE.OM_OrderDate --] - text field: "Order Date"
[-- STORE.OM_Instructions --] - text field: "Instructions"
[-- STORE.OM_Comments --] - text field: "Comments/Questions"
[-- STORE.OM_BillTo --] - text field: "Bill To"
[-- STORE.OM_ShipTo --] - text field: "Ship To"
[-- STORE.OM_Phone --] - text field: "Phone"
[-- STORE.OM_ShopSiteTransID --] - text field: "Transaction ID"
[-- STORE.OM_OrderMessages --] - text field: "Order Messages"
[-- STORE.OM_OrderSource --] - text field: "Order Source"
[-- STORE.OM_DobaOrderInfo --] - text field: "DOBA Order Information"
[-- STORE.OM_PaymentType --] - text field: "Payment Type"
[-- STORE.OM_PaymentInfo --] - text field: "Payment Info"
[-- STORE.OM_ShippingMethod --] - text field: "Shipping Method"
[-- STORE.OM_TotalWeight --] - text field: "Total Weight"
[-- STORE.OM_Qty --] - text field: "Quantity"
[-- STORE.OM_Image --] - text field: "Image"
[-- STORE.OM_Name --] - text field: "Product Name"
[-- STORE.OM_SKU --] - text field: "SKU"
[-- STORE.OM_Weight --] - text field: "Weight"
[-- STORE.OM_Total --] - text field: "Total"
[-- STORE.OM_Warehouse --] - text field: "Warehouse"

Sample Order "Packing Slip" Template
If you would like to start with an order template that is already setup, you can copy the code below, then log into your ShopSite store and go to Merchandisisng > Custom Templates > Advanced > Create New Order Template. Paste this code into your new template. You can then go to Orders > Configure, and select this new template as your packing slip template. You will be able to make changes to this template to change your "View Packing Slip" screen.


Modified Templates

v12-PackingSlip-With-Each-Column.sst - this is a modified version of the PackingSlip.sst template added in version 12. This template adds in the "Each" price column that is available in the PackingSlipBasic.sst template.


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