Confirmation Page, Thank You Page, and E-Mail Receipt Templates:
Ordering Instructions, Comments, and E-Mail Lists

The Shopping Cart Page has an optional "ordering instructions" box, and the Shipping Page has an optional comments box and a checkbox for an opt-in e-mail list. You can display the contents of any and all of these elements on the Confirmation Page and Thank You Page, and on the E-Mail Receipt. The output from the tags is the same in all cases.

  • You should use an [-- IF --] test with each tag to determine if the feature is enabled and if the customer entered any text.
  • The [-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] tag and the [-- SC_Comments --] tag display the field label and the text that was entered by the customer. The text is not editable on these pages.
  • The [-- Email_List --] tag displays the text defined by the merchant, such as "Add me to your E-mailing list." If you use the [-- IF Email_List --] tag to test whether the customer checked the box, you can have the template display a different line of text instead of using the output of the [-- Email_List --] tag.

Confirmation Page Example: Ordering Instructions, Comments, and E-Mail List

The Thank You Page and E-Mail Receipt use the same tags shown here for the Confirmation Page.

Ordering Instructions, Comments, and E-Mail List CSS

Here is a list of the CSS selectors used in the ordering instructions and customer comments display. The output of the [-- Email_List --] tag does not contain any CSS classes or attributes.

table.instruct The table containing the ordering instructions.
td.instruct_hdr The cell containing the ordering instructions header.
td.instruct The cell containing the textarea field in which customers can type ordering instructions.
table.comm The table containing the customer comments.
td.comm_hdr The cell containing the comments header.
td.comm The cell containing the textarea field in which customers can type comments.

This example shows the Confirmation page with a style sheet applied.

Next: Confirmation & Thank You Addresses