Confirmation Page, Thank You Page, and E-Mail Receipt Templates:
Payment Information

When you use the [-- SC_Payment --] tag on the Confirmation Page, Thank You Page, and E-Mail Receipt, it displays the payment information that the customer entered on the Shipping Page. This tag is optional in all three templates, but it is highly recommended on the Confirmation page.

Confirmation Page Example: Payment Information

The Thank You Page and E-Mail Receipt use the same tags shown here for the Confirmation Page.

Payment Information CSS

Here is a list of CSS selectors used in the payment information section of the Confirmation Page, Thank You Page, and E-Mail Receipt.

table.payment The table containing the payment fields.
td.payment_hdr The cell containing the payment heading, such as "Payment - Credit Card."
td.payment The cells containing payment field labels, such as "Card Number."
td.payment_value The cells containing the form fields for payment information.

This example Confirmation page template includes an embedded CSS style sheet and some horizontal rules to visually separate the information on the page.

Next: Confirmation & Thank You Fields