Shipping Page Templates:
Payment Information

The payment information fields on the Shipping Page vary depending on the types of payment accepted by the merchant and what the customer chose. The [-- SC_Payment --] tag automatically produces the fields required by the chosen payment type. You can place the tag anywhere on the shipping page.

Payment Information CSS

Here is a list of CSS selectors used in the payment information section of the Shipping Page.

table.payment The table containing the payment fields.
td.payment_hdr The cell containing the payment heading, such as "Payment - Credit Card."
td.payment The cells containing payment field labels, such as "Card Number."
td.payment_value The cells containing the form fields for payment information.
The select lists for credit card type, expiration date, etc.

This example is the same as the one above, plus it includes a brief style sheet with selectors for some of the payment method selection elements.

Next: Checkout Email List