Shopping Cart Page Template: Ordering Instructions

Merchants can enable an Ordering Instructions text box that lets customers type additional instructions for the order. Your template should use the [-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions --] tag to test whether this option is enabled and, if it is, use the [-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] tag to display the box. You can place the box anywhere on the page that fits your layout.

Ordering Instructions CSS

Here is a list of the CSS selectors used in the ordering instructions display.

table.instruct The table containing the ordering instructions.
td.instruct_hdr The cell containing the ordering instructions header.
td.instruct The cell containing the textarea field in which customers can type ordering instructions.
textarea.instruct The textarea field in which customers can type ordering instructions.

This example is the same as the one above, plus it includes a brief style sheet with selectors for some of the ordering instructions elements.

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