Secure and Non-Secure Pages

When customers enter their credit card and payment information, they need to know that the website is secure and their information will not be stolen. This gives peace of mind to both customers and merchants. When setting up secure pages, like the shopping cart, it is important that all information meets the correct format. Everything on the checkout, confirmation and thank you pages must be secure (as well as all customer registration screens).

Non-Secure Pages

  • Pages
  • Product More Information Pages
  • Search Results
  • Gift Certificate
  • Shopping Cart Screen

At the top of all non-secure screens, following the DEFINE tag, add the following 2 VAR tags.

    [-- VAR.Secure "no" --][-- VAR.RootURL STORE.Output_URL --]

Then for all external files that you use within the template (or within include files), replace the root URL with [-- VAR.RootURL --]

    <img src="[-- VAR.RootURL --]/media/image.jpg">

Secure Pages

  • Checkout
  • Confirmation
  • Thank You
  • Customer Registration Screens

At the top of all secure screens, following the DEFINE tag, add the following VAR tags and IF statement.

    [-- VAR.Secure "yes" --][-- VAR.RootURL STORE.Output_URL --][-- IF SC_USE_SECURITY --][-- VAR.RootURL STORE.SC_Secure_Image_URL --][-- END_IF --]

Then for all external files that you use within the template (or within include files), replace the root URL with [-- VAR.RootURL --]

    <img src="[-- VAR.RootURL --]/media/image.jpg">